Monday, October 11, 2004

Afghanistan is O.K.

I thought of a quotation from Fareed Zakaria in his essay, Islam, Democracy, and Constitutional Liberalism, which I felt succintly explained this clash between democracy and Islam through the eyes of Bin Laden, " a western invention. Its emphasis on freedom and tolerance produces social decay and licentiousness."

Democracy may have been equated as akin to prostitution, but it seems what those in power are concerned of is the possibility to lose such power. Democracy creates uncertainty because it is an instrument of the people that doesn't provide any guarantees.

In regards to the Afghan election, it appears those in power are "freaked out." This contesting of their election should be a sign that democracy is working!

Even those in United States, specifically lawyers, are preparing to fight an election -- ours. Afghanistan is just mirroring the United States. So, it seems that everything is on par.